Due to the lack of good restaurant options I started rating them, then we decided that most of them stink and you don't want to hear me talk about 3 restaurants. Instead I am changing the direction of my blog. I am now going to focus on food that is hunted, gathered, grown(heirloom and organic), cooked, preserved, & occasionaly purchased.
This is a widget for a blog I follow. They are raising money to finish a USDA inspected butcher shop on their pig farm. Feel free to click thru and check out their project, and help out if you like what they are doing. Thanks
I wanted to update you on the project here at your blog and thank you for helping us spread the word. We just made 100% funding of our goal for the butcher shop. Any additional funds will be able to go towards the next step in our project, the on-farm slaughter and then later the smokehouse. Check out this post:
I wanted to update you on the project here at your blog and thank you for helping us spread the word. We just made 100% funding of our goal for the butcher shop. Any additional funds will be able to go towards the next step in our project, the on-farm slaughter and then later the smokehouse. Check out this post:
To visit our project see: http://smf.me
Walter Jeffries
Sugar Mountain Farm
West Topsham, VT