Three weeks ago I posted about building my garden beds. Since then I have planted everything and almost everything is up. Because of the rainy weather I ended up planting over the course of a week by taking advantage of breaks in the weather. On a side note, if I was building a conventional tilled garden I would have lost 2 weeks due to the rain.
Peone is in bloom!!!
An overview of the garden
On the far left in the pots are
Apple Seedlings that I started in February. Then Bed 1 - has cool weather vegetables, Bed 2 - has beans corn and okra, and bed 3 - had white onions, red onions, 2 kinds of leeks, 3 kinds of garlic, and some shallots.
Herbs in bed 1 you may not be able to see everything, but there are: sage, thyme, lavender, lemon basil, lemon balm, parsley, cilantro, scallions, spicy globe bush basil, and genovese basil. I also planted dill, ginger, and coriander in some of my flower beds.
Mescalune - Lettuce - Asian Red Lettuce These are separate plantings, but I'll just show 1 to save some pictures.
Rainbow Chard
Peas Oregon and Alaska varieties
Bed 2
Green been, bush
Wade's Giant Indian Corn
Contender wax bean, bush (left) and Sweet Corn (right)
Bed 3
Garlic (left), White onions (right), Leeks (left behind the kalrobi), Red onions (right behind the kalrobi)
Bed 4
Tomatoes, Peppers, Squash, Cucumber, Zucchini, and lettuce
More Apple Seedlings - If anyone around Columbus would like a few let me know. These are going to South Carolina to my brother and Dad.
Raised Bed
Test Onion - Putting up a bloom/seed stalk. If you plant this much onion then it will go to seed, or produce lots of green onions.
Wooden seed trays
Thornless Blackberries
Bed 5
There is not much to look at right now, but I have 6 types of melons planted plus 3 kinds of squash and some bushel basket gourds.
I have also added 2 varieties of grapes, raspberries, 3 more kinds of potatoes, wild flowers, flowers, artichokes, broccoli, 3 types of eggplant, and wild garlic.
I'll try to make future garden post a little shorter and lighter on pictures, but right now everything is still so small that you can not see anything in the overview pictures.